Here at Harmony Recovery Center NC, we have many services that can help those with addictions or mental health disorders. One of these options is education workshops. The main goal of this type of treatment in addiction recovery is to help people gain knowledge about addictions. These workshops also help people to gain insight, so they can continue their life of sobriety.
The education workshops we offer are backed by evidence-based research. It is vital to know that addiction is a complicated and intense disease. However, learning more about it can help a person to overcome their addictive lifestyle.
Topics in Our Education Workshops
If you enter one of our addiction treatment programs, we can sign you up for the education workshops. During these workshops, you can get answers to some common questions. You can learn about addiction and how it relates to your life. Some of the topics discussed during our education workshops include:
- Why do some people have a difficult time abstaining from alcohol?
- How can substance abuse affect a person’s body in the long-term?
- How is the addiction affecting loved ones and friends?
- Why do some people feel the need to use drugs or alcohol to get through each day?
- What can a person do to work toward a life of sobriety and recovery?
- What does depression or other mental health issues have to do with addiction?
As you can see, there are many topics that are discussed in our addiction treatment education workshops. The information we provider and teach you will be informative and help you in so many ways. It can help to change your mindset, focus on overcoming your struggles and to be more mindful of your behaviors.
Benefits of Our Educations Workshops
Are you going to attend one of our addiction treatment programs? Will you have education workshops as part of your treatment plan? If so, you may be wondering how these workshops will benefit you. Some of the common benefits of these workshops include:
- Recognizing how substance abuse affects your life (by learning this, you can have more motivation to change your behaviors)
- Gaining beneficial tools for preventing relapse
- Becoming empowered to take back control over your life
- Having the opportunity to get your family involved in your recovery
- Learning how to heal relationships through amends and hard work
- Having a safe environment to talk about your addictive behaviors and get the support you need
- Being able to discuss topics that you aren’t ready to share with your loved ones or friends
- Addressing your mental health issues
- Admitting you have an addiction and being held accountable for the changes you need to make
- Take a personal inventory, so you know what issues you need to work on
From this list of benefits, you can see that our education workshops are more than just classes. We are here for you in every way possible when it comes to your addiction recovery. Now that you are aware of this, if you need to overcome an addiction, contact us today.
Issues Brought Up During Our Education Workshops
When you start overcoming an addiction, it is crucial you work through various issues in your life. If you avoid certain issues, they could trigger you later, which could lead to a relapse. For this reason, our team wants to make sure common issues are discussed during the workshops we offer. Some of these issues might include:
- Trauma
- Betrayal
- Codependency
- Irrational beliefs
- Loss
- Grief
- Accidents you have been in
- Relationship issues
- Communicable disease
- Links between mental health and addiction
If you have other issues that you believe need to be discussed during your treatment, feel free to let us know. If those issues aren’t brought up during the education workshops, you can discuss them with your individual therapist.
Expectations at Harmony Recovery Center NC
Do you plan to attend a treatment program here at Harmony Recovery Center NC? If so, there are some things you can expect. These things include:
- Encouragement for your recovery by our staff
- Therapy sessions
- Guidance from our trained, experienced staff members
- Individualized treatment plan
- Safe place to express yourself
- Education workshops that include activities, discussions, handouts, and other recovery-related materials and topics
- Chances to have your family members participate in the workshops
Here at Harmony Recovery Center NC, we want to make sure everyone is comfortable and feels safe. Our educational workshops, along with the other services we offer, will hopefully help you in so many ways.
Get Started in Recovery with Education Workshops
Do you need to overcome an addiction? If so, our Harmony Recovery Center team has many services that can benefit you. One of these services is our education workshops. If you have more questions about these workshops, please let us know.
Contact our team today to get started in a treatment program that includes education workshops.
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